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Occupational Accident
Contact Greg Hellmich
Simple and Fast. Smart to Have.
What Is Occupational Accident Insurance For Truckers?
This type of coverage grants independent truck drivers extra financial stability when they’re unable to continue driving.
Benefits For 1099 Contracted Truck Drivers / Owner Operators That Suffer An On The Job Injury
- Medical treatments
- Lost pay or wage replacement while you recover
- Benefits if you become permanently disabled
- Beneficiary payments in the event of death
- Passenger Accident, Death and Dismemberment benefits
Comprehensive Occupational Accident Insurance
An Occupational Accident Insurance that offers more than most plans in the market.
- No Limitations on Pre-Existing Conditions – Our policy doesn’t exclude coverage for previous accidental injuries, setting us apart from many competitors.
- Coverage Extends Beyond Dispatch – Protection isn’t limited to when you’re on a job; it also applies when you’re driving home after a delivery.
- License Suspension Doesn’t End Coverage – If a driver’s license is suspended, the coverage continues, offering peace of mind.
- Flexible Accidental Death Benefits – The full benefit amount is paid to the beneficiaries, regardless of their relationship to the policyholder.
- Includes Loss of Use in Accidental Dismemberment – Unlike some plans that only cover full severance, our coverage extends to loss of use as well.

About The Carrier
OCC ACC Direct provides Crum & Forrester’s occupational accident insurance product directly to truck drivers online. The coverage can begin next day.
This comprehensive coverage was designed by Crum & Forrester specifically to meet the needs of truckers and their high-risk profession. OCC ACC Direct is the consumer-friendly brand name for accessing Crum & Forrester’s specialized commercial trucker occupational accident policy. It is marketed by SASid insurance development, a leader in insurtech.

Types Of Health Insurance For Truckers
- ACA Health Insurance - Compare hundreds of Individual & Family plans
- Short Term Health - As low as $85/month with $10k deductible
- Accident Only Coverage - As low as at $45/month
- Dental Plans - Starting at $21/month
- Vision Insurance - Starting at $5/month
- Telehealth - Only $19.95/month, saving you hundreds in the long run
Over 120,000 Injury Crashes Each Year Involve Large Trucks
Out of 2 million tractor trailers on the road, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration estimated 120,000 injury accidents involving large trucks in the year 2018.(1)
Having Occupational Accident Insurance is a must. It’s affordable and most of all, it can help pay the bills when you are recovering from accidents and injuries. Your medical treatments are taken care of. There’s the benefit for wage replacement.
Getting Occupational Accident Insurance is Simple To Get and Smart To Have.
Many Jobs Require Occupational Accident Insurance To Contract With Them
Depending who you are driving for, they may require you to carry this type of insurance. In some instances, companies will purchase occupational accident insurance for their contractors.
That’s a great perk! Though, it’s recommended the more coverage you have, the better.

Plans start at $28/month
Frequently Asked Questions
When Can Independent Owner Operator Truck Drivers Elect New Insurance
You may get health insurance at any time. Though, there are restrictions and deadlines you may have to meet depending on the type of insurance. Find more information on when you may enroll and the types of insurance available for truckers.
When am I eligible to change Major Medical Insurance Plans?
Each year (typically in November), the federal government has an open enrollment period when anyone, regardless of reason may choose to drop their current plan and find new major medical insurance coverage. During this time you may select new plans from either the federal or private marketplace.
How can I get individual health insurance outside of open enrollment?
You may be eligible for new insurance when a qualifying event happens where you would lose your health insurance, such as quitting a job or with employer-sponsored insurance or being laid-off. These events allow you to obtain new health insurance through either private or federal health exchanges. Most major medical insurance starts on the 1st of a month. You may need to utilize short-term medical or COBRA until you can start a new plan.
Can I get COBRA Insurance Continuation?
COBRA is a federal law that allows employed worker to keep their insurance if that insurance would be lost to quitting your job, being laid-off or having your hours reduced where you are no longer eligible.
If you have left your job to create your own greener pastures, you may qualify for COBRA insurance that would allow you to continue on your former workplace insurance you had.

Who We Are
Over four million people have obtained health insurance through our enrollment portals. With variety of products for customers to build an insurance plan specific to their needs, makes our offerings “smart” to have.